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What`s your name ?

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Efektywne nauczanie języków obcych, szczególnie w młodszych grupach wiekowych, wymaga zastosowania wielu metod aktywizujących. Jedną z najbardziej lubianych jest praca z piosenką, gdyż piosenka to przyjemny i bezstresowy rodzaj aktywności, który pomaga w tworzeniu bezpiecznego środowiska dla uczenia się nowych słów, zwrotów i wyrażeń. Dzieci podświadomie zdobywają „extra” ćwiczenia językowe, są także poddawane oddziaływaniu autentycznych przykładów użycia języka obcego w kontekście.
Przedstawiony konspekt lekcji to propozycja dla nauczycieli języka angielskiego pracujących w kształceniu zintegrowanym. Konspekt opracowano w języku angielskim.

Lesson plan

Date: 30 .XI. 2007 SP w Stubnie

Level: beginners
Class I ( primary school)

Time: 45`

Theme: “What’s your name ?”

Assumed knowledge: (vocabulary) numbers from 1 to 6.
  • to introduce the main characters of pupil’s books
  • to sing the song “What`s your name”
  • function: to say “Hello; Goodbye”
  • to practice: What’s your name?/I’m...
Skills : speaking, listening, reading, drawing

Materials : flashcards, tape player, cassette, pupil’s book,activity book “Superworld” by Macmillan

Warm - up . 2`
  • The teacher ask children in L1 if they are learning English for the first time and explains that there are some countries where people use English – eliciting names U.S., England.
  • the teacher explains that today they are going to meet the characters who will help them learn English. They will learn how to say Hello/Goodbye , how to ask and say their names.
Presentation : 20`
  • revising vocabulary : numbers from 1 – 6,
  • to introduce myself : Hello, I`m .....
  • to introduce the names of the main characters of pupil’s books “Look. This is...”. Ted and Molly are brother and sister. Danny is a dragon . ( The teacher shows flashcards with the main characters of pupil’s book) The teacher says: Hello, I`m Danny . (encouraging children to respond “hello ”); then the teacher makes each flashcards disappears and says: Goodbye! (encouraging children to say goodbye!) - this activity is repeated several times.
  • Open your books. Look at Danny the dragon and his friends. L1 Where are they? (At a funfair) Have you ever been to a funfair?, Do you like funfairs?
  • Look. Danny is number 1, Molly is number 2, Ted is number 3. Now listen and point. (the teacher demonstrates it) . Playing the tape again. Listen to our recording again and say the numbers.
  • Checking uderstanding; Danny is number...
Controlled practice 10`
  • Flashcards with the main characters of pupil’s books sticking on the board. Close your books. Now listen to a song. Point to Danny, Ted or Molly. Open your books. Look here and try to sing with me togethe r (using mime to convey meaning “come and play with me”
  • Now I divide you into 2 halves. From Ania to Jola sing the questions, from.... sing the answers. (changing the roles)
  • Now I divide you into three parts. From is Danny, Molly and Ted. Everybdy sing the questions but only one group answers. At first Danny, then Molly... ( changing the roles)
Production 6`

T: Stand up. Say “Hello” to your friends and ask “What`s your name?” Then say “Godbye!” (The teacher demonstrates the activity with one, two children. Children can also move around the class during this activity).

Consolidation 5`

T: What do we say when we meet Danny? ( the teacher shows the flashcard) Hello! And now? ( the teacher makes the flashcard disappeared) Goodbye! (the same activity with each character of pupil`s book)

Homework 2` T: Draw the pictures of Danny, Molly and Ted in your notebook. Write their names. You can start now.


What’s your name ?
What’s your name ?
Hello, what’s your name ?
I`m Danny, I`m Danny, come and play with me
( I`m Molly, I`m Molly, , come and play with me)
( I`mTed, I`m Ted, , come and play with me)

Bożena Kaczmarczyk

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